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Session Authenticator

The Session authenticator stores the user's authentication within the user's session, and on a secure cookie on their device. This is the standard password-based login used in most web sites. It supports a secure remember-me feature, and more. This can also be used to handle authentication for single page applications (SPAs).

Method References


When a user attempts to login with their email and password, you would call the attempt() method on the auth class, passing in their credentials.

$credentials = [
    'email'    => $this->request->getPost('email'),
    'password' => $this->request->getPost('password')

$loginAttempt = auth()->attempt($credentials);

if (! $loginAttempt->isOK()) {
    return redirect()->back()->with('error', $loginAttempt->reason());

Upon a successful attempt(), the user is logged in. The Response object returned will provide the user that was logged in as extraInfo().

$result = auth()->attempt($credentials);

if ($result->isOK()) {
    $user = $result->extraInfo();

If the attempt fails a failedLogin event is triggered with the credentials array as the only parameter. Whether or not they pass, a login attempt is recorded in the auth_logins table.

If allowRemembering is true in the Auth config file, you can tell the Session authenticator to set a secure remember-me cookie.

$loginAttempt = auth()->remember()->attempt($credentials);


If you would like to check a user's credentials without logging them in, you can use the check() method.

$credentials = [
    'email'    => $this->request->getPost('email'),
    'password' => $this->request->getPost('password')

$validCreds = auth()->check($credentials);

if (! $validCreds->isOK()) {
    return redirect()->back()->with('error', $validCreds->reason());

The Result instance returned contains the valid user as extraInfo().


You can determine if a user is currently logged in with the aptly titled method, loggedIn().

if (auth()->loggedIn()) {
    // Do something.


You can call the logout() method to log the user out of the current session. This will destroy and regenerate the current session, purge any remember-me tokens current for this user, and trigger a logout event.



The forget method will purge all remember-me tokens for the current user, making it so they will not be remembered on the next visit to the site.

Events and Logging

The following is a list of Events and Logging for Session Authenticator.


  • Default Register
    • Post email/username/password
      • OK → event register and login
      • NG → no event
  • Register with Email Activation
    1. Post email/username/password
      • OK → event register
      • NG → no event
    2. Post token
      • OK → event login
      • NG → no event


  • Default Login
    • Post email/password
      • OK → event login / table auth_logins
      • NG → event failedLogin / table auth_logins
  • Email2FA Login
    1. Post email/password
      • OK → no event / table auth_logins
      • NG → event failedLogin / table auth_logins
    2. Post token
      • OK → event login
      • NG → no event
  • Remember-me
    • Send remember-me cookie w/o session cookie
      • OK → no event
      • NG → no event
  • Magic-link
    1. Post email
      • OK → no event
      • NG → no event
    2. Send request with token
      • OK → event login and magicLogin / table auth_logins
      • NG → event failedLogin / table auth_logins