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JWT Authentication


Shield now supports only JWS (Singed JWT). JWE (Encrypted JWT) is not supported.

What is JWT?

JWT or JSON Web Token is a compact and self-contained way of securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. It is commonly used for authentication and authorization purposes in web applications.

For example, when a user logs in to a web application, the server generates a JWT token and sends it to the client. The client then includes this token in the header of subsequent requests to the server. The server verifies the authenticity of the token and grants access to protected resources accordingly.

If you are not familiar with JWT, we recommend that you check out Introduction to JSON Web Tokens before continuing.


To use JWT Authentication, you need additional setup and configuration.

Manual Setup

  1. Install "firebase/php-jwt" via Composer.

    composer require firebase/php-jwt:^6.4
  2. Copy the AuthJWT.php from vendor/codeigniter4/shield/src/Config/ into your project's config folder and update the namespace to Config. You will also need to have these classes extend the original classes. See the example below.

    // app/Config/AuthJWT.php
    namespace Config;
    use CodeIgniter\Shield\Config\AuthJWT as ShieldAuthJWT;
     * JWT Authenticator Configuration
    class AuthJWT extends ShieldAuthJWT
        // ...
  3. If your app/Config/Auth.php is not up-to-date, you also need to update it. Check vendor/codeigniter4/shield/src/Config/Auth.php and apply the differences.

    You need to add the following constants:

    public const RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_NONE    = 0; // Do not record at all
    public const RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FAILURE = 1; // Record only failures
    public const RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_ALL     = 2; // Record all login attempts

    You need to add JWT Authenticator:

    use CodeIgniter\Shield\Authentication\Authenticators\JWT;
    // ...
    public array $authenticators = [
        'tokens'  => AccessTokens::class,
        'session' => Session::class,
        'jwt'     => JWT::class,

    If you want to use JWT Authenticator in Authentication Chain, add jwt:

    public array $authenticationChain = [


Configure app/Config/AuthJWT.php for your needs.

Set the Default Claims


A payload contains the actual data being transmitted, such as user ID, role, or expiration time. Items in a payload is called claims.

Set the default payload items to the property $defaultClaims.


public array $defaultClaims = [
    'iss' => '',

The default claims will be included in all tokens issued by Shield.

Set Secret Key

Set your secret key in the $keys property, or set it in your .env file.


authjwt.keys.default.0.secret = 8XBFsF6HThIa7OV/bSynahEch+WbKrGcuiJVYPiwqPE=

It needs at least 256 bits random string. The length of the secret depends on the algorithm we use. The default one is HS256, so to ensure that the hash value is secure and not easily guessable, the secret key should be at least as long as the hash function's output - 256 bits (32 bytes). You can get a secure random string with the following command:

php -r 'echo base64_encode(random_bytes(32));'


The secret key is used for signing and validating tokens.

Login Attempt Logging

By default, only failed login attempts are recorded in the auth_token_logins table.

public int $recordLoginAttempt = Auth::RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_FAILURE;

If you don't want any logs, set it to Auth::RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_NONE.

If you want to log all login attempts, set it to Auth::RECORD_LOGIN_ATTEMPT_ALL. It means you log all requests.

Issuing JWTs

To use JWT Authentication, you need a controller that issues JWTs.

Here is a sample controller. When a client posts valid credentials (email/password), it returns a new JWT.

// app/Config/Routes.php
$routes->post('auth/jwt', '\App\Controllers\Auth\LoginController::jwtLogin');

// app/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php


namespace App\Controllers\Auth;

use App\Controllers\BaseController;
use CodeIgniter\API\ResponseTrait;
use CodeIgniter\HTTP\ResponseInterface;
use CodeIgniter\Shield\Authentication\Authenticators\Session;
use CodeIgniter\Shield\Authentication\JWTManager;
use CodeIgniter\Shield\Validation\ValidationRules;

class LoginController extends BaseController
    use ResponseTrait;

     * Authenticate Existing User and Issue JWT.
    public function jwtLogin(): ResponseInterface
        // Get the validation rules
        $rules = $this->getValidationRules();

        // Validate credentials
        if (! $this->validateData($this->request->getJSON(true), $rules, [], config('Auth')->DBGroup)) {
            return $this->fail(
                ['errors' => $this->validator->getErrors()],

        // Get the credentials for login
        $credentials             = $this->request->getJsonVar(setting('Auth.validFields'));
        $credentials             = array_filter($credentials);
        $credentials['password'] = $this->request->getJsonVar('password');

        /** @var Session $authenticator */
        $authenticator = auth('session')->getAuthenticator();

        // Check the credentials
        $result = $authenticator->check($credentials);

        // Credentials mismatch.
        if (! $result->isOK()) {
            // @TODO Record a failed login attempt

            return $this->failUnauthorized($result->reason());

        // Credentials match.
        // @TODO Record a successful login attempt

        $user = $result->extraInfo();

        /** @var JWTManager $manager */
        $manager = service('jwtmanager');

        // Generate JWT and return to client
        $jwt = $manager->generateToken($user);

        return $this->respond([
            'access_token' => $jwt,

     * Returns the rules that should be used for validation.
     * @return array<string, array<string, array<string>|string>>
     * @phpstan-return array<string, array<string, string|list<string>>>
    protected function getValidationRules(): array
        $rules = new ValidationRules();

        return $rules->getLoginRules();

You could send a request with the existing user's credentials by curl like this:

curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/auth/jwt' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"email" : "[email protected]" , "password" : "passw0rd!"}'

When making all future requests to the API, the client should send the JWT in the Authorization header as a Bearer token.

You could send a request with the Authorization header by curl like this:

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/api/users' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJTaGllbGQgVGVzdCBBcHAiLCJzdWIiOiIxIiwiaWF0IjoxNjgxODA1OTMwLCJleHAiOjE2ODE4MDk1MzB9.DGpOmRPOBe45whVtEOSt53qJTw_CpH0V8oMoI_gm2XI'

Protecting Routes

The first way to specify which routes are protected is to use the jwt controller filter.

For example, to ensure it protects all routes under the /api route group, you would use the $filters setting on app/Config/Filters.php.

public $filters = [
    'jwt' => ['before' => ['api', 'api/*']],

You can also specify the filter should run on one or more routes within the routes file itself:

$routes->group('api', ['filter' => 'jwt'], static function ($routes) {
    // ...

$routes->get('users', 'UserController::list', ['filter' => 'jwt']);

When the filter runs, it checks the Authorization header for a Bearer value that has the JWT. It then validates the token. If the token is valid, it can determine the correct user, which will then be available through an auth()->user() call.

Method References

Generating Signed JWTs

JWT to a Specific User

JWTs are created through the JWTManager::generateToken() method. This takes a User object to give to the token as the first argument. It can also take optional additional claims array, time to live in seconds, a key group (an array key) in the Config\AuthJWT::$keys, and additional header array:

public function generateToken(
    User $user,
    array $claims = [],
    ?int $ttl = null,
    $keyset = 'default',
    ?array $headers = null
): string

The following code generates a JWT to the user.

use CodeIgniter\Shield\Authentication\JWTManager;

/** @var JWTManager $manager */
$manager = service('jwtmanager');

$user   = auth()->user();
$claims = [
    'email' => $user->email,
$jwt = $manager->generateToken($user, $claims);

It sets the Config\AuthJWT::$defaultClaims to the token, and adds the 'email' claim and the user ID in the "sub" (subject) claim. It also sets "iat" (Issued At) and "exp" (Expiration Time) claims automatically if you don't specify.

Arbitrary JWT

You can generate arbitrary JWT with the JWTManager::issue() method.

It takes a JWT claims array, and can take time to live in seconds, a key group (an array key) in the Config\AuthJWT::$keys, and additional header array:

public function issue(
    array $claims,
    ?int $ttl = null,
    $keyset = 'default',
    ?array $headers = null
): string

The following code generates a JWT.

use CodeIgniter\Shield\Authentication\JWTManager;

/** @var JWTManager $manager */
$manager = service('jwtmanager');

$payload = [
    'user_id' => '1',
    'email'   => '[email protected]',
$jwt = $manager->issue($payload, DAY);

It uses the secret and alg in the Config\AuthJWT::$keys['default'].

It sets the Config\AuthJWT::$defaultClaims to the token, and sets "iat" (Issued At) and "exp" (Expiration Time) claims automatically even if you don't pass them.


Login attempts are recorded in the auth_token_logins table, according to the configuration above.

When a failed login attempt is logged, the raw token value sent is saved in the identifier column.

When a successful login attempt is logged, the SHA256 hash value of the token sent is saved in the identifier column.